How to buy a used computer?

Are you looking forward to buy a computer in a low budget? Well then you can try giving a thought to buying a used computer. It is a great option as with this you can buy a computer at a cheaper price. But there are certain things which you need to ponder while looking out for used computers in the market. Following are the things that you need to concentrate on:

First of all make sure whether all the components of a computer like a monitor, a CPU, a mouse, a keyboard, two speakers and a microphone are included in the set. These are basics which you need to have a complete set. It helps if you are offered used components included in the set like a printer, scanner, web cam, etc.

After that you will have to cross check the prices offered by the seller of the used computer with the prices of a new computer in the market. In case there is not a big difference then there is no point of buying a used computer at such a high price. You can instead look out for another provider or buy a new computer.

After this research, once you have decided the price then you will have to check the storage capacity and the RAM provided. Along with this you will also have to check whether the other internal details like sound card, LAN card are in proper condition or not.

Then you also need to make sure that all the components of the computer that are mentioned in point one are in proper working condition or not. This will help you know whether you are investing your money at right place or not.

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