How many moons does Venus have?

Planet Venus is the second planet from the Sun. It is named after the Roman Goddess of love and beauty. Situated just before Earth in the solar system, it does not have any moons. The reason behind the absence of moons could be the placement of the planet so close to sun. All the planets coming next to Venus have moons.

Venus is one of the most discussed planets of the solar system. It is of the same size as Earth and comes second in the list of planets. Planet Venus does not have any moons. The probable reason behind the absence of moons can be given to that fact that the planet is closely situated to Sun around which all the planets revolve. Venus does not even have an asteroid, which may be of the size of a moon.

Some scientists are of the opinion that it is the anticlockwise rotation of Venus and its lack of plate tectonics that may be responsible for the absence of moons. This might have made it difficult for any colossal impacts to carve out a moon or throw out any substantially sized chunk far enough into space.

Another interesting reason given by various scientists and researchers is based on certainty that Venus possibly had a number of periods where there it could capture the asteroids orbiting around it.

All the planets in the solar system have moons except Venus. Among all the planets, Jupiter is the one that has maximum number of moons – 63. Besides that Saturn has 47 moons, Uranus has 27, Neptune has 13, Mars has 2 and our planet Earth has one moon.

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