What are pressure points?

Human body is made up of different organs and there are different points inside our body that can be used to provide relief or to cause pain. These points are normally termed as pressure points.

The use of pressure points is more common in martial arts where martial artists make use and hit their opponents on pressure points to immobilize them for few seconds or minutes. However, the use of pressure points is also very common to heal different body problems and therefore, herbal medicine experts and those who are involved in various massage techniques also make use of these pressure points. The same pressure points are being used when you go for acupressure therapies.

The idea of pressure points dates back to the 17th century when many Japanese martial art practitioners used these pressure points to attack their enemy and defend themselves. Many new medication techniques like zone therapy is also based on pressure points, and the practitioner applies pressure to the right pressure points through his fingers or elbows to ensure that the point is stimulated and the energy is redirected in the right path.

At times special instruments are also being used to stimulate these pressure points. These pressure points can help you get rid of problems like stress and hypertension and can help to improve the blood circulation and energy flow inside the body.

There are more than hundred pressure points inside our body. However, ancient Chinese text sources have mentioned that there are more than thousand pressure points inside our body that can help in repairing and breaking the body.

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