How to get rid of frogs?

Frogs are very beneficial as they eat insects and mosquitoes that can cause harm to the plants in the garden. But unfortunately, frogs have voice, and they love to make a croaking sound the whole day long. Besides this reason, certain kinds of frogs multiply very fast and very soon can make their community in your garden. So before the situation is out of control, it’s better to get rid of them in the initial situations only.

The very first thing which needs to be done in order to get rid of the frogs is to remove all the water bodies from your yard and garden. Frogs get attracted to those yards with water bodies, as they get a place to swim. If you have a swimming pool, try covering it up with plastic sheet or hard cover so that it’s difficult for access by the frogs. This solution can compel the frogs to search for a new home.

Frogs flock those places where they find any source of food. If there are mosquitoes and flies in your yard, remove them before working on the frogs. You can use fly traps and also citronella candles. Drain all the water standing, which is a breeding ground for mosquitoes.

FrogGrass in the yards should not be overgrown as they provide a place for the frogs to hide. Tall grass is a perfect place for a frog to hide. If you have any holes in the garden, fill them up with soil or else frogs will make these holes their homes.

Try applying a snake repellent all around the garden and yard. The repellent gives off a typical odor which helps to keep the frogs away. Make sure that you follow the application instructions properly. Keep small children and pets away from the applied area till it dries.

If there is a creek passing through your yard, uproot all the plants and weeds surrounding the creek. Or else frogs will swim across the creek and make a home in between the plants and weeds. And if all these solutions fail to work then try installing netting around the yard so that frogs are unable to enter the yard.

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