How to Get Rid of Bees?

Bees are quite important from the ecosystem point of view, but they can be really troublesome if they make their home near yours. If you have been seeing a lot of bees around your house lately, it is very probable that you might find a beehive under an eave or awning around your house. They not only buzz around and create inconvenience; but their painful stings are a threat to you and your family members, especially kids. If a large number of bees sting a person, their collective stings can prove to be fatal. So let us discuss some ways to get rid of them.

The first thing you should do when you see a beehive near your house is to contact a local bee keeper. Chances are that he wouldn’t charge you anything and remove the bees, the reason being that the population of wild honey bees has reduced greatly over the last few years, remaining only 3% of what it used to be. So before you think of using bee killing chemicals, try to get the hive removed peacefully.

Once you have decided to get rid of them, make sure that you have the right insect. Don’t confuse bees with wasps, because the latter require a different approach for removing them. Get a good bee killing chemical and get hold of sweats, thick gloves and socks to avoid getting stung. Wear a face mask if you have one for added security. Locate the bee nests. If you have already found it, then good! Since they are day dwelling insects, the best time to find their nest is to observe them at dusk or dawn when a cluster can be seen moving in a specific direction, going in or out of their hive located nearby. When you discover the nest, wait for the evening or when it gets dark, and then spray the bee repelling chemicals into it. Check for any bees going in or out of it the next day and if the observation is positive then spray into the hive once more to kill them all. Finally, once you are sure all the bees the dead, break the hive. This ensures that it will never become home to bees in the future.

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