How Was the Moon Formed?

The beautiful big white moon that we see on its full moon days looks very beautiful from such a vast distance. It triggers many questions in our mind. How was the moon formed? Is it made up of the same material as our earth is? What went in to its evolution?

With all these questions and many others in mind scientists started estimating the process of the formation of the moon. Different scientists had different theories to tell. All had their calculations in place. With all various theories keeping all the proofs in mind they were short listed to three, on which still arguments and discussions are done. This is so as no one can be absolutely sure of its evolution as life did not came in to existence in those times.

The three theories that are believed to be the probable way of how the moon was formed are, moon is an outcome of some material that got separated from the earth, the moon was formed the same way as earth was formed and the moon has came in to existence with materials from some far away part of this universe.

The one that is believed to be the most accurate one is that moon was formed in the similar way as other bodies in the solar system. All these celestial bodies were once a part of a big body of materials and gases that broke up into many smaller bodies. This created all the planets and our moon.

The earth was believed to be very hot once but it later cooled down over a period of hundreds of years. This cooling formed the crust, the mantle and the core. The core still contains molten metal and further deep down are metals under pressure thus in solid form, forming the core of the earth.

The way the moon came closer to the earth is still being argued upon. This is in a big way related to the theory of the moon’s evolution.

Some say that the moon was formed from Earth. They say a celestial body floating in free space struck the earth and a piece broke from it and flew far away due to the force with which that object struck earth. This piece although flew far from it but still stayed in contact due to the gravitational force of the earth. That particular piece struck the earth when it was still hot. As the earth cooled down so did the moon.

The other theory says that as the moon was formed in the similar way as the earth, it cooled down too and has a similar structure like that of the earth. The moon too has a crust and the mantle but lacks core. It is too made up of the same material as the earth’s crust and the mantle.

With the advancement in science and technology, scientists have conducted several experiments and studies. The newer technology helps in telling what might have happened at that time. Some scientists with the use of this technology say that the moon indeed is a part of the earth.

Some scientists say they have strong proofs indicating that the moon was formed with materials that actually came from some far-away place in the universe. The materials that were found with which the moon was formed initially is different from the material that moon is made up of now. This might have happened due to the change in moon’s orbiting axis.

Scientists believe that moon started its orbit directly in front of the equator of the earth and that now its orbit has changed quite a bit. Though most of the scientists rely on the first theory of moon’s evolution resembling the earth’s evolution, the actual fact is still to be established.

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