How to Stop Nausea?

Nausea is a feeling of dizziness coupled with vomiting sensation. It can happen due to many reasons. Travelling, certain medicines, pregnancy, indigestion, certain illness might also initiate nausea. This leads to a very uncomfortable feeling and overcoming it becomes difficult.

Few remedial measures to get rid of nausea are chewing gums, mouth fresheners, mints, drinking carbonated soda or lemon juice, acupressure, consuming something salty or a little spicy, having ginger or cardamom or even cloves, consuming any anti nausea medicine or do something that diverts your mind.

In cases of pregnancy, it must be noted that the feeling of nausea in early stages pregnancy is normal. Feeling of nausea in the morning is morning sickness. However, if you experience continued feeling throughout the day or eventually vomit more than two times, it’s better to consult your gynecologist.

While travelling to hilly areas or by sea, people often experience nausea. This happens due to motion, acceleration, deceleration, sudden jerks, and rise in altitude it is called motion sickness. Some people also experience nausea no matter which terrain or which way they are travelling. This is also normal in most cases, again due to acceleration, jerks, sudden brakes, and deceleration.

An overdose of junk food or unhealthy food can initiate nausea. Indigestion takes place in this case making the stomach upset and lacking sufficient strength to digest all food making the person feel like throwing up.

If vomiting occurs accompanied with sharp stomach ache, headache or high fever, it might be a sign of a serious problem. In such a case consulting a doctor is mandatory.

Nausea due to normal circumstances can be overcome by having something that refreshes your taste buds like having a good mint mouth freshener. It is also safe to chew a mint flavored gum or candy. If you don’t want to use such products home remedial measures can also be taken. Consumption of uncooked cardamom or cloves is great and will help recover from nausea to a great extent.

Freshly squeezed lemon juice with a pinch of salt will also serve the purpose. Carbonated clear soda is another drink that can be consumed while you are experiencing nausea. A small piece of raw ginger too can be chewed. Its juice should slowly be taken in while chewing. It might be a little harsh on your taste buds, but works like magic. Consuming something spicy or salty is also great to get rid of nausea.

Acupressure is an ancient yet effective technique of ditching nausea. Press the area between your thumb and the index finger on your palm for a few seconds and release the pressure. Repeat a few times for best results.

A few anti nausea medications are easily available in the market. You may choose to take one of them if nothing else works. It is advisable to have a dispersible tablet because if you have it with water it can trigger vomiting feeling again.

If you’ve tried on all methods but nothing works, you may choose that last resort which is eventually vomiting. As you’ve been trying hard to prevent it but nothing seems to work, it is better to vomit and be relaxed. If vomiting occurs more than two times and you can’t avoid the feeling, consult a doctor.

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