How to Reduce Your Appetite?

Having a large appetite is a sure sign that you are on the path of putting on a good amount of weight in the near future.

One must have food in limited quantities. This does not mean that you stay hungry, but making over-eating a habit is not good for the health.

To get rid of the habit of over eating the first step that must be taken is to eat slowly and steadily. Eating several small meals rather than one or two big meals is also a good thing. Food that contain larger glycemic index must be consumed more. Foods with more dietary fiber can also be a good option. Other methods of reducing appetite include consuming low calorie food, exercising more, reducing the variety of food eaten at a time, drinking a glass of water before you start off with a meal, thinking that the food is going to be very filling or heavy for you.

The more one thinks of food the more he/she is likely to get attracted to it. It is always better to engage oneself in some or the other work. This will give the person less time to think about the food.

Eat more of cellulose containing food that helps give you a fuller meal feeling while keeping calories in check, this help reucing overall calorie consumption.

If you are in a good mood you will eat optimum levels of food. When angry or depressed you are bound to eat more. Eat food while in good mood while n angry or depressed states you might not think how much you are having, so if you are angry, avoid eating at that moment. You will end up gobbling more food than needed.

Whenever you serve the food from the kitchen you will have to get up each time you fall short of something. Everything will not be available for you on the table and who likes getting up again and again between meals.

Sleeping more boosts a hormone called Leptin. It is responsible for reducing the appetite. It might also be a good method if you could adopt it.

One must avoid watching television while having meals. The program you are watching will grab your attention and in the meantime you will eat more than what you actually do. Your eyes will be glued to the television and your hands will constantly be moving from plate to mouth. When your favorite series will end you will realize you overate or you may even not recognize this at all (which is more dangerous)!

It should also be remembered that you must not starve, that is more harmful to your health. The idea is to just eat to the optimum level and not overeat. So watch out your appetite to be in shape.

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