How to Get Rid of Upper Lip Hair?

Many women often crib about their unusual or even the usual growth of upper lip hair. Few know that getting rid of them is quite simple. There are some home remedies and some medical remedies for the same.

Few of the well known remedies for getting rid of the upper lip hair are waxing, bleaching, electrolysis, threading, plucking and laser treatment. Some women also go in for shaving them off with women’s disposable razors but this method should best be avoided. It would be better not try this one because this will make your upper lip hair growth become heavier and the newly grown hair will be black and hard.

The first method that a lot of women opt for is waxing. It is a very useful way of getting rid of upper lip hair. In this method, some wax is heated and spread on to the upper lip. Disposable strips or a cloth is then used to spread over the wax. Wax being a sticky substance sticks on the hair and the cloth above it sticks on the wax. This cloth is then pulled out in a single attempt and the hair comes out from the roots. This method is a little painful and it needs high pain tolerance to accomplish at home. This is why many women opt for going to professionals to help them get rid of the upper lip hair through this method.

Bleaching is another method for decolorizing of the upper lip hair. Unlike waxing this method is not painful at all. Through this method, the dark hairs that appear on the skin get colored to blend with the skin complexion. It is a mixture of bleaching chemical that comes in a kit and can either be bought and done at home or can be carried out by going to a professional.

Threading is the simplest method of them all. Through this method the upper lip hair are removed by catching hold of hair in the thread and pulling them off. Some women who know the technique do it at home and some got to professionals to thread their upper lip hair out. This method is again painful just like waxing.

Plucking upper lip hair with tweezers is also a method adopted by many women. Apart from bleaching this method is the one that can be done easily at home. For bleaching too many women prefer to go to an expert but tweezing or plucking can easily be done at home. For removing upper lip hair through this method tweezers are available in the market. Through tweezers each hair can be caught and plucked off.

Laser treatment and electrolysis is a permanent way of hair removal. These methods are carried out not only to remove hair from the upper lip but anywhere else on the body too. For this method one needs to go to an expert or a doctor. Electrolysis could take up to 10 hours and could require many visits while laser treatment saves time. Both the methods are more expensive than other methods.

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