How to Get Rid of Tension Headaches?

Tension is a big enemy in hectic life of a person. It brings in a lot of stress related problems. The biggest of them all is headaches. They can drain away a person’s energy. They can take a toll on the health and also on efficiency at office, being irritated all the time. Stress levels increase during these headaches.

It is important to get rid of headaches caused by tensions as soon as possible. Relaxation and taking time out for leisure activities and recreation is the best solution to this problem. Listening to soothing music, meditation, acupressure and simple breathing exercises are also of great help. Consumption of pain killers must be avoided as much as possible. They give instant and temporary relief from such headaches but are not a solution to the problem.

A tension headache is different from a migraine headache. The difference between the two must be understood. A tension headache takes place because of contraction of muscles around the skull. They can be relieved by applying pressure on certain points on the neck, upper back and off course the head. This is why contraction headache is another name for tension headache. If the intensity increases they may prevail for about fifteen days or more they are then called Chronic Tension Headaches. A feeling of pressure on a particular area can be felt in a tension headache. A band of pain is felt in such a case.

A device called the Theracane is available for getting rid of tension headaches. This S shaped tool tightens the tensed muscles giving relief to the headache.

Another way of getting relief from tension headaches is placing a tennis ball on the spot where you feel your muscles most tensed and lying down for some time. This gives great relief from such headaches as the tensed muscles feel pressure and loosen down ending the pain.

Doing neck exercise like rotating the neck clock wise and anti clock wise a few times might also help. Also bending the neck on both the sides must also be practiced for more relief. A massage of neck, head and upper back will prove to be real blessing. It would be better if you ask someone else to massage for you better a masseuse. Doing it on your own would not be of much help.

Breathing in deep and then releasing the air for a longer time than you actually do, is also very helpful in relieving the stress. Other stress busters like listening to soft soothing music, meditating or doing simple Yoga exercises called the Asanas help you get rid of both tension and chronic tension headaches. Yoga and meditation if done on a regular basis shall cure the problem permanently.

In case the chronic tension headaches or tension headaches become acute and unbearable it is better to consult a doctor. If necessary he will provide you with medications and diagnose it further. The doctor will go behind the real cause of it, study all the symptoms and provide you with a solution to get rid of the sharp tension headaches permanently.

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