How to get rid of Seasickness?

Seasickness is often experienced by people traveling by sea. As soon as they step up in a yacht, boat, ship or a cruise even little motion or looking at the sea could lead to sickness. Its symptoms include nausea, dizziness and in some cases headaches.

As soon as you start feeling seasick you must try to follow following steps to ‘cure’ it. Any medication that has been prescribed to you in case you feel sick must be taken immediately. If this is your first time or you haven’t been prescribed any medication for seasickness, try to breathe in fresh air. Look at the surroundings rather than staring the sea or looking downwards. Look straight and take it easy. Breathe deeply. Lying down on back on a mattress with arms by sides of the body can also help.

You must avoid lying or standing in the cockpit with your body against the walls as it will make you feel the motion hence leading to stronger feeling of sickness.

The seasick feeling can be controlled also by avoiding intake of alcohol. If you are traveling by sea or are about to travel do not take alcohol. Avoid it as much as possible. If on board you should try to avoid it but if situations persist take only a little alcohol. Huge hangovers would result in vomiting, headaches or strong vertigos.

Certain foods could be avoided to get rid of seasickness. Avoid oily, greasy, acidic and junk food. Eat more of fresh fruits and green vegetables cooked in moderate amount of edible oil. Avoid acidic fruits and take more of apples, bananas and melons. They’ll refresh you and prevent you from being dehydrated or feel sick. Bread and cereal intake must also be increased. Coffee must be avoided too as caffeine leads to dehydration which can result in boosting seasickness.

Another thing to be taken in note is do not avoid eating. If you are getting a dizzy or a puking feeling, not eating at all will worsen the situation. If you feel that eating would make you throw up eat anything that work against seasickness. Not eating at all or skipping meals before or after going on board leads to nausea eventually.

Popping in some mints and refreshing candies can also help a great deal in overcoming seasickness.

Taking sufficient amount of rest helps too. So, before you set out for the sea traveling, take proper sleep and rest. Exhaustion too leads to seasickness. Any activity that involves a lot of physical work must also be avoided on board. Try not to sleep or lie down on your stomach as digestion process slows down due to always being in motion. Lying on the stomach will slower the process and could make you feel seasick.

Try staying away from harsh sunlight or closed spaces as it could make you feel dehydrated or could encourage headaches, eventually leading to sea sickness.
The moment the intensity of your seasickness increases you must inform the doctor on board about it. He/she will, in turn, take some measures to help you overcome the feeling. Remember not to panic. Stay calm and you will feel better.

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