How to Get Rid of Roundworms?

Roundworms are a nuisance to both mankind and animals. It’s a disease fatal to your pets. Getting rid of them should be your prime concern. It is important to take measures to get rid of roundworm.

For getting rid of roundworms you must de-worm your pets, be it cats or dogs before you start breeding them. Get them wormed again after about five months to evade any chance of them catching the disease.

Another way of avoiding roundworms is by getting rid of mice if any. Generally there are more chances of a cat getting infected with roundworms as they eat mice. Getting fed on any animal that is infected with roundworms spreads it.
Avoiding going to areas where already a good number of pets are present, for example, avoiding parks is also a good way of ditching roundworms. Roundworms survive for a long period in the soil and hence spread the disease to animals defecating in an open area.

Proper sanitation provisions must be taken in the area where you are residing. Disposing of human and animal feces in an inappropriate manner encourages the breeding of roundworms. In case you are visiting such places where sanitation facilities are not proper, self hygiene of highest order must be maintained to avoid roundworms.

A treatment called Pyrantel Pamoate is also advised for getting rid of roundworms. For pets about three doses are sufficient for getting cured. Many other medications apart from Pamix, Strongid, D-Worm, Worm-x and Nemex exist in the market like, Albendazole and Mebendazole. They can be given to the pet in accordance to the veterinarian’s advice.

The disease can easily be spread from the parent to the child. Hence proper medication should be provided to your parent pet in the stage of pregnancy itself to avoid it getting passed on to the child. In the early months of a new born pup or a kitten, proper care must be taken to avoid this disease. Consultation with a renowned veterinarian is advised.

This disease can easily be diagnosed in animals if taken proper notice of. The most common symptoms are worms in your pet’s bed area, bulging belly, and weight loss, loss of appetite, diarrhea or vomiting. These symptoms require your attention and immediate action must be taken in order to avoid complications. Delaying may lead to more severe consequences. The medication for roundworm needs to be given with care, according to the instructions of the veterinarian.

Roundworms develop from eggs found in animals feces. It may develop because the animal must have consumed another animal carrying the roundworm eggs or feces carrying them. It easily spreads from intestines to the lungs. If it is coughed by the animal, the nearest animal may get in contact with it can get affected too.
Roundworms not only dwell in animals but can affect humans too. In humans they grow up to a length of thirteen inches and in animals it stays to about four inches. The best way to get rid of roundworms is to take necessary precautions as it is well said that prevention is better than cure.

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