How to Get Rid Of Leaf Rollers?

Leaf roller infests the garden plants. The plants infested become ugly and unsightly. There are ways in which you can avoid leaf rollers from affecting your plants. Once infected the plants tend to imbibe the disease from other plants and slowly the whole garden suffers. It is not too hard to treat plants for leaf roller attacks.

Mainly 2 types of leaf rollers can attack the garden – one is canna-leafroller and the other is the lesser effective of the two. The canna variety is a butterfly larva and infests canna plants. It rolls up in the leaf and slowly eats it up. The lesser variety is a Geshna Cannalis larva and makes a spinning web like structure around the leaf and destroys it.

To treat your plants for these pests you should remove the infected leaves. These should then be burnt together to eradicate the pests. This removes the eggs and also stops their spreading to healthier plants. You can cut away the infected leaves and douse it in kerosene. This keeps the pests away from the healthy leaves.
The plants will grow new leaves as the infected leaves can contain eggs which will return and destroy other new leaves. You can also pick out the pests by removing the caterpillars. You should burn the leaves so these cannot return to the plant. Using ladybug treatment involves setting these bugs on the plant. Ladybugs do not eat leaves but they will destroy the leaf rollers. They attack the caterpillars and remove them from the leaves.

You could use chemical solutions to get rid of the infestation of the leaf rollers. These can also conceal the leaves. A very harsh combination of the chemical may also destroy helpful insects. The chemical is toxic and poisonous. You can use:
• Bacillus Thuringiensis
• Systematic Insecticide
• Carbaryl Insecticide
• Fertilizers

The chemicals are priced high in the market and can be expensive. Get ready to allot these in your budget as it is important to remove the leaf rollers or suffer a colossal damage to your plants and the garden as a whole. In using these ways, you can save your plants and preserve the beauty of your garden. Try to extract the max benefits of these ways and methods of eradication of leaf rollers.

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