How to get rid of algae?

Algae are microscopic organisms, which are slippery, slimy and green in color. Most of the people hold them responsible for creation of a nuisance on the walkways, swimming pool, roof, aquarium floors, patio, outdoors and many other places. Algae grow when they find combined favorable conditions like dampness, bad air circulation and heavy shade. Some other conditions are poor drained soil, infertile soil and areas with too much of thatch. If you ignore these tiny micro organisms, your precious possessions may head towards premature destruction.

If you want to get rid of algae from your aquarium, then there are various methods of achieving the same.

• Do not over feed your fishes as it directly promotes algae development. Leftover food and production of more waste by the fish are perfect nutrients for algae.

• Regularly change the aquarium water, even if you have a mechanical and biological filter, as filters only slow down the process of algae formation.

• Control the light exposure on the aquarium. Algae are photosynthetic organisms and depend on light for their life processes. Never place the aquarium under direct sunlight and switch off the aquarium lights at night.

AlgaeIf you want to get rid of algae from your garden and other similar areas, then there are some specific ways of doing the same.

• Try getting the exteriors of your home cleaned regularly. Hire a professional who can change the ph level of the garden soil. Make sure you prune the thick trees as algae growth is encouraged in shady areas.

• Devote some time and disturb the garden soil of the garden so to discourage the development of algae.

• Use products like Bayer Advanced 2 in 1 or similar no scrubbing products. Apply these products over the fences, lawns, roof, and staircase and wherever you spot algae growth.

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