How much should I weigh?

To determine the ideal body weight of a person, Body Mass Index (Units – weight(kg)/height2(m2)) is considered as the measuring tool to calculate whether the person is moderate, over or under weight. BMI is the tool to measure the fats of a body in relation to the height, weight and sex of an adult. It is recognized as the best standard by World Health Organization to judge the level of obesity in an individual.

You can find out your Body mass by dividing your weight with square of your height. When the body mass of an adult is below 18.5, the person is considered as underweight and he or she needs to increase the weight to live a healthier live. The body mass index of a healthy person is between 18.5 and 24.9. This category is the indicator of ideal weight of a body.

When the Body mass Index of a person exceeds 25, the body is considered to be overweight and needs fat reduction. When the BMI of a person falls between 30 and 40, the category is named as obese. If it exceeds the level of 40, the matter is serious and the extremely obese body needs to be checked.

Body Mass Index (BMI) does not take into consideration the circumference of waist. Waist circumference can also be a good indicator of the fats in the body of a person. When the waist circumference exceeds 35 inches in females and 40 inches in man, they are considered obese and more prone to heart diseases or diabetes. The ideal waist size for women is between 28 and 32 where waist of a healthy man is between 32 and 35.

An ideal body weight helps an individual with a well-shaped and healthier body. A body with an ideal weight is more active and flexible, which indicates less health problems.

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