How many proteins exist?

Proteins are the basic building blocks of our bodies. It is estimated that the human body comprises of approximately two million proteins, which are coded by only 20,000 to 25,000 genes. There are groups of 20 amino acids that form the molecular chains of protein. However, the number of proteins found in a biological organism can even exceed to 10 million. These are the probable figures but the actual numbers are difficult to know for sure.

Proteins can be defined as the long molecular chains, which are made out of the 20 basic building blocks of life known as the amino acids. The field of science that studies the characteristics of proteins in the human body is known as Proteomics. The molecules that consist of single protein are termed as monomeric protein while ones that contain more than one are called oligomeric protein.

The body has only about 20 amino acids but they have the potential of connecting particles in arbitrary sequences. Proteins can be used to cure almost every disease and ailment but finding the right combination for cure is a challenge.

The longest known protein chain is Titin, which is also called Connectin and contains about 26,926 amino acids. It is found in the muscles and is responsible for providing passive stiffness to the body. All biological organisms can be looked as fundamentally protein structure, which is filled with water and sometimes supported with mineralized tissues called the bones.

Every protein can be broken down by other proteins into simpler forms, which is usually important to perform important functions. Scientists have, as yet, not been able to determine the exact number of proteins present in a living organism.

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