How does recycling affect the environment?

Recycling can be defined as an act of reusing used materials or products by processing them. This helps our environment by reducing the burden on natural resources which are getting depleted significantly. A common example of recyclable items today is paper, which is then converted to new paper products. Glass, tin, wood, etc. are some of the other items that can be recycled. Recycling is very good for the environment in many ways. Some of these include:

Lowers landfill amount
Too much landfill means a huge problem for mankind and other animal species. Non-biodegradable products accumulated for a long period means harmful and toxic gases. Recycling prevents the same.

Recycle SymbolReduces consumption of energy
Natural resources are drying out. This applies for oil, forests, metals, mines, etc. Hence, recycling helps by reusing the resource once again, instead of digging into mother earth for more. It requires lower energy to use recycled wood as it would take many years for a plant to become a full-grown tree.

Reduces pollution
As landfills lead to harmful emission of gases and other toxic wastes they pollute the environment. If you ever pass a landfill during humid and warm summer months you would hate the stench caused due to toxic gases. Recycling helps in reducing the landfill deposits and making the world a better place to live.

Recycled goods cost less compared to regular items. You can also reduce other costs by recycling methods at home. For instance, use natural rotten veggies or your pet pee can actually be a good fertilizer for the garden. Recycle the grass and leaves to create a compost of them.

It is time to act now. Recycling can help your children breathe fresh air and lead a pollution free life. Ask others to join this quest for recycling and adopt environmental friendly habits.


  1. Hans Kukreja

    May I use the picture recycle_symbol.png please

    Thank you

  2. admin (Post author)

    Sure, the image is in public domain.

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